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  1. I bought these marbles at an antique faire. None are identified, but I was told the pale blue could be a champion. I think the orange and white one is maybe carnelian? I am a newbie so I would appreciate help! Lots of uv reactivity. Maybe some cadmium, uranium, and vaseline glass?
  2. Thanks! I’ll check them out
  3. Hello. I am a very new marble collector, so I don’t know if this is a common one or not. I bought it because it had an interesting color that stood out from the bowl it was in in an antique market. Curious if anyone can identify it! It definitely has some swirls to it (again, I’m new so I don’t know the proper terminology) but the swirls are so tight that at a glance it could seem opaque. Interested to hear what you all think
  4. That’s a good idea. Maybe I can try to find pre-existing local groups as well. Thank you! It will definitely be much easier for me to learn if I have people helping teach me.
  5. This is a fair point. Do you know of any shows that you would recommend? for the record, I’m in the San Francisco Bay area. I would love to go to a show.
  6. Unfortunately, I’m a bit of a chronic collector lol. I collect a bunch of different things, but recently I stopped collecting Furbies (the toy from the 90s) which was my main thing for like three years. I guess I am just itching to have something like that again.
  7. Hello! I have decided on a whim that I want to start collecting marbles. I have always loved antiques and marbles in particular for their beautiful colors. Recently I bought a few at an antique fair and they were so interesting! I want to collect them now, but the thing is, I don’t exactly know where to start in terms of informational resources. I purchased the fifth edition of the book “marbles, identification and price guide” by Robert Block. Are there any other recommended reads or resources that you have? One thing I will say is that I do have dyslexia so I am more likely to use a visual guide then I am to use something that is purely text. Thank you in advance!
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