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Everything posted by josiemarbles

  1. Okay, thank you! I'm slowing starting to see the differences in these
  2. I don't see any seams like I see on other ones.
  3. I didn't know that, thank you! I'm very new to this all and it's very overwhelming haha. You have been so helpful 🙂
  4. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
  5. The only one I found that was similar online named almost every common marker haha Any ID please?
  6. This one is a larger marble with pretty swirls throughout. Any ID?
  7. Any ID on this interesting blue and white one? It's larger than the others in the bag I got
  8. Any ID on this one? It has a strange hole on one side
  9. I went back to the thrift store and found a bag of these. Are they old confetti? Or did I swindle myself? One is rather large
  10. ID on this? It's not like the Akro corkscrew design, is it maybe a spiderman?
  11. Does anyone know what this one is? it's larger than the other marbles in the bag I got and has an interesting design.
  12. In a bag I got from Goodwill there are multiple of these red and white, and blue and white marbles. They aren't corkscrew, I think they are ribbon and patch?
  13. I never expected to fall down this kind of rabbit hole 😭 🤣
  14. Any ID on this one? Peltier maybe?
  15. Good to know, thank you!
  16. Is this an akro corkscrew? What do they call the color combo?
  17. Found this in the bag I got at goodwill. I'm very new to this. Is it an Oxblood? Or something else?
  18. I picked up 2 bags of marbles at the thrift store and stumbled into a world where I have no idea where to start. Is this a Peltier Rainbow?
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