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Everything posted by Bo444

  1. Shoe strings just got WAY more expensive. (Shush! No Talking!) LOL!!!!!!!!
  2. Carol Collier turned down an offer of $15,000 for his and it is complete with the correct marbles. That was 2 years ago. I think I remember he said he bought his direct form the guy who worked for Akro.
  3. Memorial services for Guy Gregg will be held at the Salem Baptist Church, Wednesday. January 3rd at 11am 250 S. Taylorville Rd., Decatur, Illinois Visitation will be at 10am. The family is having him cremated so the burial will be at a later date. Memorials to be sent to the family in care of his daughter, Nancy Gregg PO Box, 355 Bethany, IL 61914 Church tel. Number is 217-422-4274 for directions Tanzyus-Logan Funeral home # is 217-233-1080 Denise told me there was no burial insurance.
  4. Denise called me this morning with the news none of us wanted to hear. Guy passed away this morning. She asked me to notify the boards that the funeral arrangments and where to send flowers and such will be updated soon. She just wanted to thank us for our prayers. Guy, you will be missed by many. Bo
  5. I'll take a stab at this, please remember it is just my opinion. Certainly not to be taken as gospel. My thinking is that most of us collect what we know. As kids we played with the machine mades and that is what we know. I can say with certainty if there were any hand mades around I was never allowed to play with them. I don't know them, never have and probably never will. I just dont have any memories of playing with them. I dont even remember seeing any placed in the knick knack shelves at any of my aunt's house's that I could see or hold. It's a nostalgia thing with me, trying to go back to my childhood. One of these days I'll make it. LOL!!!!
  6. Just for the record...... I have limeade's and lemonade's that do NOT flouresce. I'll bring them to Vegas. and a blacklight hahaha
  7. Bo444

    akro 00 box!

    Zaboo's Akro box auction link There ya go Zaboo Bo
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