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  1. Texas one week away.. I'll be there around noon Thursday..
  2. Hi, over the last fifteen years of collecting I have written down each marble-maker, size, condition, color, price paid and what i think it might be worth. May be easier for next of kin to sell. Latey afew have said put their name by this or that one..One nice guy said when do you think you might go??
  3. Tulsa marble show this weekend June 23, 24, 25..I'll be there Thursday afternoon..
  4. I would like some info on the Canton show..thanks
  5. Yea to Clyde, I have one like that and told it was just a plain rainbo.. yea again.
  6. Hello, I was snowed in again and missed the show..Any news on what was hot or what people were looking to add to their good stuff?? thanks
  7. Just my 2 cents worth..I have asked a few people about selling a collection and they said about 40 to 50% of asking price is the rate..ouch!
  8. Hello All, At the Decatur show I heard names like Waterfalls,Chevrons and a couple others I forgot..Collectors I talked to said they were old and hard to find..
  9. Come one come all to the fall Pride of the Prairie show at Decatur next weekend..The two marbles in question will be there Thur. Fri. and Sat..This show is always a nice friendly show..Free Admission..
  10. One more to look at in Running Rabbit auction #52 idem #225..These are in much better condition..Yes glass is soft like a clambroth..They may be in hand at the Decatur show in November..
  11. Question? I picked up a few Citrus and want to know if the Grape would the best one to keep..thanks
  12. yes the mist lutz was sold on RR auction 48..sold for $2,701... was 2+" and graded at8.4
  13. Today Friday June12 is cut off day for marble show rate.. We still have some rooms as of yesterday..
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