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Everything posted by Tex10guy

  1. Thank you Steph. I was looking for a handmade marble that I had won in one of Morphy's auction. I couldn't remember which one. lol. But I found it in the Dec. 3, 2011 auction. Baumann Collection. Thanks again. Raymond
  2. Hi Edna. Tell Weldon to get better and I will give him a marble. lol Really I hope he is feeling better. Hope to see you all at the next Texas marble show. Sherry and I send a prayer your way. Raymond
  3. Thanks Jane. I guess I can go to bed now and dream about new marbles. lol Raymond
  4. Hi John. That was me at Amana last year. I also still have the two 3x5 cards that you were drawing on. I believe you were showing me how to make a Peltier Golden Rebel. I still day dream about working in the factory that day.lol. Hope to see you at Amana again. How can I pay for these pretty marbles ? Thanks. Raymond
  5. Hello John. Sign me up. Group 4 - #1 & #3. Group 5 - #1 & #6. And Group 6 - #1. Thank you. Raymond
  6. Here is a picture of Guy (with his red suspenders) at Amana a few years back. Also in the pic is me(Raymond) and Bo. I hope Peltboy gets better so I can get more Peltiers from him. Raymond
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