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Everything posted by Lolly

  1. Sorry 'bout that..I corrected my reply~~~Lolly
  2. Thanks Steph for bringing my images to the post.~~~Lolly
  3. Thanks Bob...it is definitely Bobbie Seese. I just saw your post and looked her up on bing and she does sign BJS. Thanks again~~~Lolly
  4. I put two of the marbles in the gallery...couldn't find the attachment button to put them in my post..
  5. I'll try to get a picture up...I have about 3 or 4 that I bought back in 2005 and can't find my paperwork on them
  6. Who signed their marbles with B J S ...it's from 05. Thanks in advance~~Lolly~~
  7. Who signed their marbles d R ...I have a signed marble and forgot who's signature it is (I'm getting old ...lol) It has the date on it too...04. Thanks...and Hello to all my old friends....haven't been on here in a long while!!~~~Lolly
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