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  1. Considering the equipment Dave works with his result is truly excellent and when I consider the difference between using blends of purchased glass vs making batches of custom glass I think its more difficult to use the purchased glass rather than being able to control the composition of the glasses so saying that Dave is not an artiest is a poor exercise in semantics. I must say that working with glass is more art than just science although much science must be brought to the work. Machine made means that the glass is rounded by machine rather than a mold held in the hand. Argument on these lines are just off base. As far as money goes I do not recommend a investment in glass (that is for the sake of profit) in fact I would be tempted to revive an old American sport reserved for deserving politicians known as the tar and feather party to be followed by the running out of town on a fence rail event so popular many years ago. Collecting glass has to be something to enjoy or else it resembles a mental illness like an obsession or an unpleasant excess of envy and greed or come to think of it an obsessive greed driven by envy or is that obsessive envy driven by greed hmm whatever hard to say. In the big picture the money involved in the marbles is small. The cost of the 2008 runs are small compared to hand made and older marbles. I think the prices of individual marbles are correct-no mistake, not so high as old glass but due to the reject rate, cost of materials, and production. Costs are in the ball park as the production is small, funded out of pocket by individuals. I know what kind of excitement the Madyia's generated first hand. If anyone wants to make money that is ok and I don't think its a bad thing that Jabo might survive another year and in fact I believe that something amazing may be possible so as far as I am concerned I don't collect marbles I just list and sell them for Jack Rogers but these Jabos are cool. In my opinion most of rhetoric about this run vs any other or this kind or that kind is largely driven by ignorance of the full runs and jealousy as all the runs have examples of eye candy that is outstanding and boxes that should be rejects as with any type of experimental product and the prices are no so high that any talk about investment is not so appropriate (its not impossible the demand is real and exists) as just oooh or awww so there! I say have fun yea! ;P Kim
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