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About Dixiesmarbles

  • Birthday May 30

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    marble collecting of course.

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  1. Give him a call and ask. There will be a catalogue the auctionzip ad said. It will out by the 15th.
  2. I just wanted to share the information of an upcoming marble auction being held in Indianapolis, IN. I have had the pleasure of viewing these marbles and all I can say is WOW!!!! Here is a address to the website at auction.zip. Click on the pictures already posted and watch for the catalogue. marble auction The auctioneer contacted me about asking how marble shows are usually ran as he would like to incorporate the feel to the auction. Rooms have therefore been blocked at the motel in which he has chosen to hold the auction. You can view the marbles Friday night for approximately 3 hours before the auction on Saturday. Hope to see you there. Beth Indiana Marble Club P.S. It would behoove me to keep this information under wraps for myself, but with so many marbles in this collection, I truly believe there is something here for everyone.
  3. The marble community has taken quite a blow at the loss of Les. As for our family, the shows will never be the same. Even though we had collected marbles for many years, we were introduced to the marble community by Les, and we learned a great deal from him. I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I could go to him with a question or a situation to get honest answers. His character spoke volumes of the man. He was instrumental in helping to start and nurture the Indiana Marble Show and Club with his support. There was no doubt, however, that where his heart truly lied, though, in the love of his family. We spent many hours speaking of his concerns and his pride in his wife and children. Our prayers our with them all. I for one will miss that smile, that laugh and his friendship!! Beth Morris
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