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Everything posted by fredt

  1. Good evening all!!! The batch ended up being about a 30/70 mix (30% being kinda hit & 70% good). I got a lot of cat eyes ,that I haven't sorted yet. These were the STICKIEST marbles I have ever came across,some I could touch with my finger and they would stick to it...LOL,I had these soaking in CLR all day but they cleaned up pretty good! Here's a couple pics of the ones I got cleaned
  2. Nothing beats some homemade cookies,what kind were they???
  3. Thanks for all the info folks ,I really appreciate it!!! I ended up getting them for A LOT less!!!! I'll be posting some soon! Once again....THANKS
  4. do any of you fine people see anything of worth in these pics? I value all you guys(&gals) knowledge,I see some Akros and maybe some Vitros. This was offered to me for $50..
  5. You nailed it!! Those are just plain COOL!!!!!!!
  6. Hey Kevin...that all black handled knife in your picture,is that highly collectible?? I think I have 2 of those somewhere in this mess I call home...LOL
  7. ..some very cool stuff!!!!!!!!
  8. Boy....I'd love to go shopping at your house,you have some awesome stuff!!!!!!!!
  9. ..just wondering what something like this would be worth?? I know they are pretty common,but curious. The bag has a date of 1973 on it.
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