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Everything posted by sciguy122

  1. I can go with Akro. Yours looks like this one. First thought maybe Vitro. Don't know why I typed Masters Have never seen any pics of Akro with threads like that. Thanks
  2. 5/8+ and has more "gills" than some fish
  3. These from flea market in FL though I moved here 10yrs. ago fr mid-Ohio valley
  4. Colors and patches have me confused! 5/8"
  5. sciguy122


    Are these Akros? 11/16 & 11/16+
  6. Thank you. Have some Alley that look like cousins so I'll stick them in there. Appreciate the help.
  7. I guess I didn't understand your question. It's the white are that fluoresces. It's a translucent marble but I guess the marble "guru" would call it a transparent base.
  8. Don't do that I'll shoot a blacklight one
  9. Here are some more views on the small one.
  10. no; it's true to the photo
  11. yes only small one; white (fixed the answer)
  12. Just curious about these 3 swirls. Look familiar but can't nail them down. Any help appreciated. Sizes(L-R): 19/32(fluorescent); 21/32; and 11/16. No seams Thanks
  13. That is what it feels and looks like, a smoothed out flake. Here are other views.
  14. Have never had a polished marble pointed out to me. Can you tell from this image if this one has been polished?
  15. Here is the one Steph is referring to: 29/32 with a cobalt blue base.
  16. The coloration is why I asked. Side by side the "wiger" is darker than the tiger, but still not a definite red. Not color blind but kinda "color dumb" after a while the brain starts to question what is seen. Thanks for all of you input. I've learned a lot. Now if you would go to Marble ID and give me an opinion on my 10/3 post, I'd be appreciative. 50 some views and no op's. I did use deodorant that day. Thanks Howard
  17. Here are 2 more pics. Pretty much same look in hand.
  18. I got the black widow from America Machine Made Marbles bottom of page 132: .... Wasp is incorrect name for a Black Widow. So I put both since I did not know which name the various marble gurus used. Evidently you are not one to use black widow. Thanks.
  19. 2 peltier nlrs. Is the top one a black widow/wasp and bottom a tiger or would you say both are tigers? thanks
  20. Thanks Steve, That helps a lot
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