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Everything posted by roghow

  1. This is indeed a sad day for me as I am just now finding out about the passing of Les. I do not have much opportunity to visit the boards and this is my first post on this one. I had the privilege of sharing several hours in Les' room at the Columbus show in 2002 after my having been in the hobby for less than a year. What a fantastic learning experience! I couldn't believe that he was so generous in allowing someone whom he didn't even know to stay in his room that long. Despite my being a newbie, he answered all my questions and shared the viewing of a couple cases of his personal collection of antique handmades that blew my socks off...all this attention as though I were a long-time friend and seasoned collector. I have not been able to get to a show since, and I will always remember the special treatment that he so willingly gave to me and obviously a multitude of others. I have special memories of the way-too-few marbles that I did manage to acquire from Les for my fledgling collection, a couple at that show and a few off his eBay site. Les will be sadly missed. My deepest condolences go out to his family. Roger Vogel
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