Ken (that would be me) had his brain all stirred up after the Seattle Glass Art Society - especially with the visit to Chihuly's Boathouse studio. Now to see how and what glass colors will work for his ideas. "Underwater Lava Cave" is one of a few test marbles we'll auction as we build to a final series and marble show.
You'll think you left your curio light on for how bright this marble is. Great bidding opportunity with no-reserve so have some fun! EBAY AUCTION
On an ending note, we want to thank those who made the Rembrandt Project a sell-out! One last little marble at our eBay store, but that's it! So thanks, grazie, spasibo, danke, arigato, merci and perhaps Rembrandt himself might have said harteljk dank!
A new murrini is in the works....