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About kymarble

  • Birthday 08/18/1958

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    Louisville, KY

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  1. I have to say I really like the chaos present in the furnace scraping mibs Champion produced. Here's a larger one I have. Bob
  2. I find it somewhat difficult to determine Master from Akro Sparklers (some of them, anyway).
  3. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on that parrot as the days count down. Nice marble indeed!
  4. Allow me this opportunity to say "hello" and introduce myself. I'm Bob, and though 50, am rather new to the wonderful world of marbles (and web forums!). It is a bit challenging to feel comfortable with technology when one has a Lincoln Log mentality. What I was made to feel comfortable with, however, was my first marble convention. Bob and his wife, along with a host of absolutely astonishing asortment of new friends, made the Southern Indiana show an incredible experience. Ron and Joe and Steve (and so many others) made my step-daughter and I feel instantly welcome. I learned so much -- about how to identify more of my marbles, as well as what collecting is all about. It's about people coming together with a common purpose that is entirely uplifting and supportive. I can only imagine how many fantastic lovers of marbles there are across the country. Oh, well, I didn't mean for this to sound sappy! Only wanted to say, my first show to attend and my first post here ..... now that's a great weekend! How many of you guys remember your first show? Here's to some great finds for all. Bob by the way, the beautiful agate was my dad's as a boy, and my first introduction into this great hobby!
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