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  1. There isnt any as far as i can make out. Apart from my friend in Arundel and Sam who does the mib champs over here. So if anyone does bump into any UK collectors on other sites, i would be interested to talk to them.
  2. Hi All. Some of you already know me on here from a while ago.Or from another site. Ive had to take time out to try and sort my life out after loosing most of what i had. Im still in a nomans land at the moment, so am going to take the chance to try and sort out my mib collection. I will warn you all that my ID skills are pretty bad, due to a lack of books and being over here in the UK doesnt help. Am hoping that with all of your help i can get some of my mibs IDd which will give me the in hand mibs to help me ID some for myself.
  3. Thought i would post a random selection of my mineral spheres.
  4. Hi all. Here is a couple of my lined chinas.
  5. I swaped 2 German Blue and White wirepulls for these. They are offcuts from the Rick and Steve Davis workshop. I think i did ok out of it.
  6. Hi there all. It deffo would be so good if Chris could find his way to the tournament. As there should be atleast 3 more of us marble collectors there. Maybe if he can stay this way for a couple of days, I could take him down and show him the marble shop my friends got. So if you out there Chris PM me. Would be good to find another marble nut over here.
  7. Hello Chris. Try looking up Pete. Im a Brit collector
  8. HI Felica Thats the one. I mite even be in that photo somewere.I will be there takeing pics next year for sure.Pete
  9. And i think im hard done bye over here with just a cold wind and rain.Havnt had proper snow over here since i was little (thanks to globel warming?)
  10. look vacor to me to. The blue one is a blue ice. The big one in middle is a Rainbow not sure if one bottom right is an old fashion or not.
  11. I like the little group of handmades. The big one in the middle has same colour ribbons round as second mib in my pic mine is 1 1/2inch the big one is just 2inch
  12. Everyboby starts out an idiot, Then you learn and get the hang of it. Just have to show some people a bit more patience.
  13. Hi there all. Here are some new jabo pee wees that ive collected. Pics should be better this time.
  14. Hi there. Heres a couple of my hand mades. the one on the left is 2inch plus. And some lined chinas for those who collect both.I hope my pics come out better this time. P.S am not sure the lined are china. Look more like some sort of clay marble
  15. Thank you all for your comments and encouragement. I have problem with getting pics of larger groupes of mibs down to under the 425kb limit for the forum.Will keep trying though.
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