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About hippie4747

  • Birthday 11/26/1972

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  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-Guinea-2-best-condition-/110599580514?pt=Marbles&hash=item19c03fab62
  2. http://www.antiquearts.com/5063/PictPage/1922367799.html
  3. Maybe it holds like a carpenter pencil Interesting though , carrie
  4. a couple more baby blues from my collection
  5. If my calculations are right his sales that ended today are $1700.00 i smell something FISHY !!!! Karma will bite him in his booty if he's doing wrong .... carrie
  6. i think the blur comes when you decrease the shadow
  7. Hey Rich I think i have found the #4 you have been looking for Carrie
  8. I have had this for about 15 years now and havnt been able to find any info on them the 4 objects go in this container , no makers mark that i have found , any info would be great. Also I would like to also apologize to anyone that i may have offended without going into details, and i look forward to absorbing as much knowledge as i can from all of you ! Welcome Dave Thanks , Carrie
  9. Dying Chalcedony, Agate and Onyx first involves boiling the stone in a strong bicarbonate solution, then soaking the stone in a chemical solution. Red: iron nitrate solution Green: chromic acid or nickel nitrate Brown: sugar solution followed by heat. Blue: red or yellow prussiate of potassium followed by soaking in iron sulphate solution Black: sugar solution followed by suphuric acid. examples of agate thats dyed
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