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About PokerPlayerBayArea

  • Birthday 06/01/1980

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    Bay Area California
  • Interests
    Marbles! and oh yeah... POKER!

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  1. Some guy down the street from me is selling these. One is a tic tac toe game with the box and marbles and the other is a 52 game multi with the box but is missing some items. He says they are from the 1960's and wants $5 for all. Should I grab this up while I can? Thanks!
  2. I'm messing around with some pictures I took. I thought this looked pretty cool! Smaller version 1024 x 768 resolution the second pic. Sorry I have a 24" monitor at 1920x1080 and sometimes forget to resize some of my images
  3. I already have multiple china cat eye bags for that Thanks for the replies guys, that's what I was thinking. Drats!
  4. I'm pretty sure these are mostly (if not all) newer marbles, but I'm not sure. Does anyone see any vintage marbles in there? I think I see a few newer Jabos. So would you pay $15 for the lot? This is on craigslist so chances are I could get it for $10 if I really wanted to. Thanks!
  5. I like the marble more now than before. I understand the argument of basically removing some of the history of the marble by polishing it so drastically, but really... these aren't coins... they are works of art and as far as I'm concerned they look much better when they look original and new. I look at cleaning/polishing these as acceptable much like an old painting is restored professionally in order to display in a museum. Why should these be any different if they've been restored? Is it because the paintings are one of a kinds that it makes it acceptable to have someone remove the years of dirt and grime and repair damage? Or is it because they are worth in upwards of millions of dollars? In any event that marble looks stunning! I would have done the same thing. If you arent selling it and are happy with it then I think you already know if you made the right decision or not.
  6. I will see what I can do. They aren't local to me, so I'm afraid shipping would be outrageous considered the actual value of the marbles. I might have him ship a couple bags just to check them out. I'll also ask him the details of the box to try and pin down a location/date.
  7. Those are all newer marbles correct? Very nice! I like the craziness of the color swirls, and the one that looks to have glitter in it. Very nice BALLS (of glass that is)
  8. Worth $5 a bag? 10 per bag. What about if The shipping box was included? He seems to have a lot of bags!!
  9. Ooops, they are VITRO AGATE not Akro like the title says, sorry! There is a local guy selling these on my local craigslist and he is taking offers. What would be a fair price to offer for this? Thanks! Also, anyone know what decade these are from? Worth paying a high price for this or no?
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