I'll be speaking to Beri over the next few days as she is hopefully going to be making some of these bags for me. I have some friends who are big Goonies fans, and this year is the 25th Anniversary of the film which sparked an interest in everything Goonies, hence trying to get info on these bags... I have sent her screen shots and what dimensions I think this bag might have been for her to try and make some more up. She told me it would take forever to search back through all their records to find this info, but did say at that time there were two bags, the suede with rawhide ties and a flannel bag. When I watch the film I believe in some of the scenes we see the suede bag, but I think maybe at the end of the film it could be a flannel bag.
But sure, if you are heading down there you can mention you have been talking to me, she will know who I am, the one who keeps bombarding her with emails and different screen shots to help to reproduce this bag! ha ha. But it would be cool to find out if these were just produced for the film or if they were a production marbles bag.
Thanks again for your replies!