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Everything posted by Kushtaka

  1. Okay, I put photos of the marbles I've found while remodelling my broken down old house in the gallery. I'm completely new to the marble world, so any comments or suggestions are more than welcome. I'm not looking to sell or trade any of them, so monetary value would be only of passing interest... but I would like to know if any of them are extra special.
  2. Isn't $11 shipping for 10 marbles a little high?
  3. Remodelling a house that was built during the 1850's in Missouri, I found quite a few marbles scattered around in an area that there was no possible access to since the house was built. There were also a few coins dated in the 1840's and 1850's, all from Prussia (Germany). The numerous interesting marbles may have created a couple of new marble collectors out of my girlfriend and myself. So, I'm completely new to all this, and would like to put a name and if possible, an age and manufacturer to some of these marbles. Here is the one I am most interested in at the moment, it is about 1 1/4" diameter. Thanks for any help, and any suggestions to someone new to the world of marbles. Setting a dollar value is not an issue to us unless we should consider getting insurance for them or could they could lead to early retirement
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