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Everything posted by SalGal

  1. Hello, Thanks for the info. I have many of them with eyes, you can almost see straight through from eye to eye which I think is awesome. I love the way some Flinties appear almost transparent but have more of a translucent, almost foggy look inside them. The colors are gorgeous when backlit. I have two peewees that look almost black when you first see them, but they are the deepest, darkest cherry burgundy-red I have ever seen; they're beautiful! They have the translucent quality too. Did Akro make "Chinese checker marbles" for games? If so, which games had them? Thanks again, Sally
  2. SalGal


  3. SalGal


  4. SalGal


  5. Hi all, I am new to the chat board, but have been hanging around the site for a year. I was reading an older discussion board post about Akro Flinties, the differences, colors, sizes etc, so I posted photos of some of my Flinties for you all to see. I have a lot of them and I just love them (many of the orange/fire agate type.) If anyone is interested in more photos, I will gladly post them. Thanks for the cool site! Sally
  6. SalGal


    Some of my flinties- mixed colors and sizes from a different angle.
  7. SalGal


    Flinties UV
  8. SalGal


    Hello, My name is Sal, I am new to the discussion boards, but have been reading and looking at this site for a while now. I found this site to be more informative than others I have read. THANKS to all of you! This particular discussion about Flinties is of special interest to me because I collect Flinties... I just love 'em. When I started collecting them "eons ago" I recognised similarities and the variety in them and the more I collected the greater the varieties became. There are a wide range of colors, sizes and there are some cool UV mibs in there. The photos here are just some of my collection, they were all dug on site and have been authenticated as such.. Yay! I am not a Flintie expert by any means, but I know what I have in my personal collection. Anyway, check 'em out and tell me what you think. Sal
  9. is always reorganizing her collection = D

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