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Everything posted by Chordus

  1. A guy asked me for a quarter for a cup of coffee.
  2. That is indeed a pretty rock'n pic.
  3. I agree with MarbleMiser. Those are totally bouncy balls.
  4. It's 90. You can download the image and view each frame individually, numbered. Or, at least, I can. Don't have to wait three minutes for them to come around again, either. #27 is the one with an off-white base, and blue and dark strands. I can't really make out what color the dark strands are– maybe it's oxblood? It's not like any horsehair I've ever seen, but I guess that makes sense.
  5. I'm in love with #27. I normally don't care much for that color scheme, but I'll certainly make an exception for that beauty. Are some of these contemporaries?
  6. I tried a search for a similar topic and nothing came up, so hopefully I'm not repeating history here. Do any of you have any interesting stories surrounding any marbles you have? Surely, with this many people collecting this many marbles, there have got to be some good stories out there.
  7. I fear that the bug you've been bitten by actually goes by the name of "pareidolia." But that's neither here nor there. Maybe shift the angle of your first 'T' and make it a 'Z'? Or an 'L', from another angle. Using the same marble for 'I' and 'L' is cheating. For a few years, Jabo made a collection of marbles with 'S's on them. And if you turned it around, some of them made nice 'Z's. There were some 'C's in the collection as well, which could double as 'U's. Surely you can dig up one or two of those? If not, maybe I'll try to find my set of them. I've got to have over 9000 of those bloody things. Also, what is the marble you have as an 'N', and the last in the set of 'S's?
  8. I've had one slag for a while now that is a beautiful piece, but is in a very substandard condition. It's got a bit of a chip on one side (luckily not where the pattern is), and various dings throughout. The photo makes it look worse than it is, but you can still tell it's in sad shape when you hold it. My question is: is this the sort of marble that could benefit from a little restoration? I'll likely not be able to get rid of the larger spot, but I expect the dings could be sorted out pretty well. My worry is that any attempt to restore the marble would damage the pattern. I've never seen another marble like it, and I'd absolutely hate to have it ruined. Second picture's had some serious photoshopping done to it, and is just for reference. Also, just a quick confirmation- this is a Peltier, right?
  9. I was under the impression that you were making a hyperbole, but apparently you were serious. That marble is beyond words. Thank you so much for sharing!
  10. So a new set of the Jabo Jokers came out a little less than a month ago, but I'm unsure of how to get them. I realize that I can get plenty on ebay, but where are they originating from? Can I still get a new box from Jabo directly? Or did I miss the boat by not getting them immediately?
  11. Handheld blacklight. I always forget my blacklight when marble hunting, and always regret it.
  12. Yeah, those trophies are all from the glory days. I stopped playing once I was too old for the nationals (fourth place my last year, which wasn't bad considering the level of play that year). I'm still involved with the nationals, and plan on starting up a group some day. But I think my playing days are over. I wouldn't hold a candle at the US tourney.
  13. I love the squarebles so much! Those ones are from my coach; they thing got pretty well damaged during a basement flood, and it was in the trashcan when I found it. She was nice enough to let me reach in and pull the soaked thing out. It's pretty well ruined, and has no collectible value, but it's nice to have something unique like that. I wish I could try it out, but without the packaging, nobody'd know what they are.
  14. I can't exactly upload all 53 images at full size on here, but here's a small selection from them. Dr. trj, I don't know how you manage to be on the internet without being on facebook, but I commend you for it. Most people (like me) gave in long ago. Rich (or anybody else), if there's a particular marble you want to see some more images of, let me know.
  15. Just popping on to introduce myself. I've been collecting marbles for about 15 years now (I'm 24, so that's a significant amount of time for me), but never bothered joining any boards up until now. I've lost all of my connections with the marble community recently, though (lost interest/moved away/died), so it's time to find a new group, methinks. I'll likely be asking for info on some marbles in the near future; I know most of what I have, but there are a few that I'm unsure of. You can find photos of my collection here (I'm too lazy to upload it all again): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2232761&id=10510903 Excluding the contemporaries, three of the sulphides, and maybe a dozen cheaper machine-made marbles, I have never spent money on individual marbles before. My collection is almost entirely from jars in antique stores– the excitement of finding a good jar in a store is much more entertaining for me than going to a show and knowing exactly what I can get. Much cheaper too. Because I have no moneys. This means that my marbles are generally not in the hundreds-of-dollars range, so don't expect to be floored by anything (still waiting to pull a 4-colored flame from a jar). I also recently inherited a load of marbles from my coach (Mrs. Helen Mohr; if any of you are involved in the national tournament, you'll know exactly who she is). She kept the top marbles for herself, but had to get rid of the vast majority, so I got a pretty decent set from her. Just to give credit where it's due.
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