Just popping on to introduce myself. I've been collecting marbles for about 15 years now (I'm 24, so that's a significant amount of time for me), but never bothered joining any boards up until now. I've lost all of my connections with the marble community recently, though (lost interest/moved away/died), so it's time to find a new group, methinks.
I'll likely be asking for info on some marbles in the near future; I know most of what I have, but there are a few that I'm unsure of.
You can find photos of my collection here (I'm too lazy to upload it all again):
Excluding the contemporaries, three of the sulphides, and maybe a dozen cheaper machine-made marbles, I have never spent money on individual marbles before. My collection is almost entirely from jars in antique stores– the excitement of finding a good jar in a store is much more entertaining for me than going to a show and knowing exactly what I can get. Much cheaper too. Because I have no moneys. This means that my marbles are generally not in the hundreds-of-dollars range, so don't expect to be floored by anything (still waiting to pull a 4-colored flame from a jar).
I also recently inherited a load of marbles from my coach (Mrs. Helen Mohr; if any of you are involved in the national tournament, you'll know exactly who she is). She kept the top marbles for herself, but had to get rid of the vast majority, so I got a pretty decent set from her. Just to give credit where it's due.