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About glasskitchen

  • Birthday 07/15/1973

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    Hendersonville, NC
  • Interests
    Glass :)

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  1. A a real forum.. people that like glass marbles... I learned so much from Alan's board and the vintage/mm folks, as well as lurking on this forum.. it shaped everything we have done in glass, much more now than ever. Maybe it's just me wanting to get back in touch with the people that made marbles fun. They are different, but they are still small, round, beautiful, and made of glass. Chris
  2. Thanks BJ.. I've known you for many years, and I was very disheartened when the boards went their separate ways. I guess what I'm asking is can we direct contemp traffic here? Can we all be one again? Chris
  3. The 'contemporary' marble forum has expired. Is there Internet room to for us to gather/post here? We are all children of Alan's board, and I miss the hell out of that amalgamation between old and new. Chris
  4. I am missing Paul tonight. Wrexham FC forever. cj
  5. I say we make him dance and post it to Youtube.
  6. Sorry for the double post.. so much of these new works come from learning about mibs on Alan's board. I hope you dig these. Chris
  7. That is so nice to hear The Kids Mibs page is at http://www.glasskitchen.com/kids/ Morgan's is on there CHris
  8. As long as the custom image is Ted Williams, yes we do Chris
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