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Everything posted by mibbcrazy

  1. It's funny how things work I had out some dug pieces from Navarre and just stumbled onto this post.
  2. @PittsburghMarbles i have some pieces that were dug from a property directly across from the Navarre location,it might have even been part of the factory property at one point. Think they were dug 2002...not positive on the date but very close to that.
  3. Been a member for some time now usually just floating around, figured I should say hello to everyone my name is Eron might recognize my name from a few social media groups I used to be part of, either way if you do or you don't hellllloooo to you all.
  4. This makes me very sad,david was a rare character and more,I value all the conversations I had with him all the trades and purchases and his friendship, all his hand written letters and correspondence have a special place in my heart and collection,gosh do I miss talking with you david, never will you be forgotten in my house hold, your friend Eron.
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