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About sister2Bo

  • Birthday 11/14/1947

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  1. Thank you so much ... all of you! What a comfort to me and my other two sisters for Bo's friends and acquaintances to be so supportive! I talked this morning to Jeanie Capel; she and Mark are contacting the Phoeniz police with the information about the torches, the hoses, all the tools, etc. Eventually, I hope that we will at least be able to recover some of Bo's most cherished pieces. He wanted the entire collection to go to Buddy Bowles; I hope we can someday honor our brother's last, death-bed requests.
  2. Thank you so much for all your trouble. I am sending your phone number to Bo's executor. Again, thanks so much for following up on this. Wow! Two weeks ago! We thought it might have been more recent.
  3. We have been trying for several weeks to get the "strings" worked out to close up Bo's house in Phoenix and get his collection to his friend, Buddy Bowles in OK. Our middle sister arrived at Bo's on Monday 4/11 to find that his house has been broken into. The only things missing are ALL of his marbles and his torches and hoses. The police think it must be someone or someones who knew about his collection and knew what value it holds. If ANYONE tries to sell or trade any of Bo's marbles and you hear of it or see it, please help us out. Call the Phoenix AZ police at 1-602-262-6151 and tell them you have information for case #612902. We intend to prosecute if we can find the thief. Please just pass the word that his collection has been stolen. Most of you have seen his displays at the various shows. We are just heart-broken. It is as if someone wanted to take away the very part of his memory that was so close to his heart. If you can help us at all, please contact the Phoenix police. It's like losing Bo all over again!
  4. He was the gentleman in the dark suit that sat across the aisle and back about two rows from you and your sister. He had a picture of Bo on his cell phone that was being passed around. I am hoping to get a copy of that picture. Thanks anyway for being there. It was wonderful to meet you.
  5. Edna - could you please send me an email address for Phil Wilder if you have one? Thanks! I'm so glad we got to visit on Saturday.
  6. I found out at the visitation that Bo collected the post cards for my dad's widow, Jessie. Did Bo send you $$ periodically? If you will let me know how much, I will send you the $$ and you can send the cards to mew and I will get them to Jessie. Thanks!!
  7. To all of you who knew and loved Bo, thank you so very much for all of your kind words. Just let me know by email ([email protected]) if you want a copy of Bo's celebration .ppt and I will attach one and get it to you after the visitation on Sat 2/12 from 4 to 6 pm. Thanks again!
  8. Edna - I will miss you if you aren't able to come to the celebration for Bo, but please don't put yourself in harm's way. Bo of all people would want you to be careful. I have put together a little .ppt slide show with the help of all of the wonderful pictures that I have received by email from so many of Bo's marble friends. I am thrilled to have so many great stories and pictures. What a fantastic community of people he accumulated!
  9. Thanks so much to each of you for the pictures. We are putting together a great memory show for the visitation because of your help!
  10. Edna - this is Norma - that is my email WITHOUT the middle "Y".
  11. Edna has the email right EXCEPT for an extra "Y" in the middle

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