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Everything posted by ness

  1. here are the game marbles that came with it.. so it's good to hear there not fake.. thanks again ness2
  2. Anyone know anything about this marble bag?? oh I have a bunch of old beat up marbles up for auction.. so if you remelt or repair.. here is my link ebay ness2 thanks again.. ness2
  3. ness

    Id Please...

    just not sure who the makers are on these.. I was thinking Vitro... any ideas.. thanks ness
  4. Wow.. very nice.. now are they opaque, transparant.. more info on that... thanks... keep them coming.. very pretty marbles.. ness2
  5. HI.. Could you all send picture of brick marbles... and more discriptions... I sure would appreciate it... thanks a bunch.... I'll show pictures of some that might be.. but just not sure.. ness2
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