I already dream about them at night lol. As for earlier posts...I don't think I will have to worry about people chasing me down to try and buy my marbles. From what I can tell, I don't have any super rare ones to begin with. They're probably not worth much, just a lot of good memories and sentimental attachment My "collection" consists of maybe a few hundred older marbles I inherited from my grandfather and my addition of about 30 contemporaries (mostly Steve Willis and Doug Ferguson pieces) . To be completely honest, I was hoping I could bring the older ones to the show and maybe someone could help me figure out what they are? I've tried and tried to research online and figure it out on my own, but I got a little overwhelmed with so much out there! I found an old Marble Collectors of America patch in one of his wooden boxes of marbles a couple months ago, so I googled marbles, and haven't stopped since! I realized I was spending more time than I thought reading about and looking for marbles, when my 2 year old ran up to me at a flea market yelling, "Mommy! Marbles!!". Sure enough...there was a black and red paint splattered looking marble inside a glass table just in his line of sight. As cool as it would be to buy up all those mint gems at a show, its probably not yet a possibility for me. So for now, I'll stick to buying what I like and what I can afford. I've already made all arrangements, so I'll be at the show for sure! I'm not staying at the same hotel as the show (again trying to do things as cheaply as possible), but I'd really like to come by and see the marble swapping for myself! I would love to meet some new people, and learn more about marbles! So, if any of you see me, please come say hi, because I'm really shy and already intimidated by all the veteran marble collectors I'm going to encounter lol. Just look for the baby yelling "Marbles!"