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Everything posted by marblerob

  1. There was an earlier post that asserted a drop off in interest in collecting "old" marbles. I still see a lot on ebay, some of which sell at very high prices ($100+) There also is high interest in hand made by current artists. They, too sell at high prices. Is that because they are works of art and are wanted just to display, or are they investment plays, guessing that as time goes on their value will increase? Are some of the current artists more preferred than others? Just asking. Still learning. Bob
  2. It occurs to me that someone that polishes may not want to reveal their price on the group page. I am interested in finding someone to polish for me. My email is [email protected]
  3. I bought a nice Onion skin marble at a flea market. Is there a person that is set up to polish it for me? I may have a couple others I want polished also
  4. Is the big marble an onion skin or a st joseph coat? I am the newbie trying to figure it all out. I think it is a St Joseph Coat You may have to cut and paste the link Bob http://www.ebay.com/itm/330607565018?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  5. One more time, what is the source for the polishing pads. I see 3M on the web, but they have a selection of pads..which do I choose?
  6. Have the machine book, ordered the Baumanns book Thanks Bob
  7. Following some of the discussions is intimidating..seems like there is a lot more to this than collecting pretty marbles. I just started a collection, and find it fascinating. My interest is in handmade marbles, probably because I also collected vintage bottles. I am reading a lot and watching videos on YouTube. I can't make the Oct 2 show in Mass this year, but will try to get to shows next year. I think the best way to learn is to talk to long time collectors at shows. There are no clubs active in Central New York. Any suggestions on good books to get started with the lingo?
  8. Newbie again...are there ever any marble shows in Central New York? If not how about bordering states? PA, CT, VT, MA??I would lke to meet some collectors
  9. If a handmade marble has bubbles, is it mint or near mint, or neither? Is it a flaw?
  10. I am looking at a marble in a book. It is described as transparent swirl with 4 lobes. What does lobe mean? I learned to lob grenades in the service so assume it means a path of glass extending from one side or end to the other???If so, must there always be space between the lines (lobes)?
  11. Its the newbie again..I have been reading some of the literature but cannot figure what is meant by "naked core' or "divided core". Are both "ribbon marbles?"
  12. I am a newbie...what does slag marbles mean?
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