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Nantucketdink last won the day on July 27 2024

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  1. Those are not Whisplers. They aren’t euro sparklers either(at least not any that I am familiar with and I have several hundred). My best guess would be Master.
  2. The second one is likely Champion
  3. But I don’t. I am not confident enough to accurately attribute a single one. I could guess on all but don’t usually answer unless I have some confidence.
  4. I imagine it is the fact there is so much white in this one and the majority of tan color is over the white that is throwing the others off, but I could just simply be wrong too.
  5. I am sticking with my gut instinct. Cheese-isnt this one with a lot of white?
  6. it looks like one to me. Now I am going to have to go check as all of you are saying it isnt. The colors look spot on..arent they?
  7. it does not look like a newer marble that I recognize
  8. Pretty sure that’s a JABO Classic
  9. It could be. I am rarely confident attributing simple transparent swirls. Size and busy pattern in favor of RW, but it’s still possible several other companies could have made it.
  10. Here are some of my green and white in clear dug ones from one lot, but just not familiar with just green in clear. I am pretty clueless on Akros though
  11. I don’t recognize this one as JABO
  12. I have plenty of dug ones with green and white in clear, but none with just green. Maybe the just green in clear were seperated out before my groups made it to me, or I am remembering wrong. Can we see a couple pics of some of the just green in clear dug ones for verification please
  13. Mine is a JABO foxfire tankwash. Looks like it could be a match. These ones came out in the 1/2 to 5/8 range
  14. Would love to see some pics of champ bicentennial bags with big swirls in them of any color. Haven’t come across any that I can remember. Some of the smaller champ made swirls in those bags include blue and orange on white and maybe that’s what you meant?
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