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Nantucketdink last won the day on July 27

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  1. Yes i believe the original is likely a JABO from 2010(or 2009). I would need to really look at my marbles to pin it down specifically
  2. These are mostly opaque Whisplers in my pic here, but there are still a few transparent ones in the smallest size for you to see some of their colors.
  3. you are receiving mis identifications from Tommy and Charlie t. They are common whisplers.
  4. may we see the Master one too please. I would be happy to give it a shot
  5. these are whisplers without a doubt
  6. Euro sparkler is what I bet it is
  7. They all look like Whisplers to me. I will assume you are not located in the USA. Saying what country you found the marbles in is often helpful. Collectors in the USA see marbles in the frame of reference of being found in the USA.
  8. sure looks like a Heaton Sweet Potato to me
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