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Nantucketdink last won the day on July 27

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  1. Think it may be Champion. Definitely not JABO.
  2. What size are these…are they 3/4”???
  3. I like the ET Crystal Run. I think there were some excellent marbles in the run. You have a couple of the ones I like in your mix.
  4. This is a tray of dug on-site Jackson’s The pic is horrible, I have added a few good ones since taking this pic, …but it still should help some folks be able to ID some Jackson’s.
  5. I agree that Cairo is likely
  6. I am not worthy of sharing any Thoughts on these as my Akro knowledge is minimal in my opinion. Sweet boxes though
  7. If they are mica marbles they are likely old.
  8. The original looked orange to me instead of amber, but we all see colors differently
  9. have you seen a Veiligglas with white in a transparent orange base before? I havent seen a transparent orange base Veiligglas before. Lots of wonderful orange and white in clear variants though. Would be excited to see one if they are out there
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