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About lisasongsparrow

  • Birthday 01/01/1960

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  • Location
    Carroll County, MD

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  1. To Joe: Awesome, thank you Joe! I look forward to seeing how the factory ones are done now that I've seen Rich make one by hand. To Rich: I knew it!!! Teaching is just as much an art form as making marbles by hand. Thanks for the invite, I hope to take you up on it some day. Luv these emoticons!
  2. Thank you all for your suggestions. I had no idea that Youtube would have such an extensive library of marble videos. Rich, my daughter and I especially enjoyed watching all 3 of the ones you posted. The ability to keep my 13 y.o. focused, on anyting other than her hair, cell phone, and friends is admirable. Are you a professional teacher or truely Santa Claus? She thinks you're Santa
  3. I'm new to the marble experience and would like to see a video of marble making. Whether machine or man made, new or vintage, it doesn't matter to me; although, I'd ultimately like to view all methods. If anyone knows of a suitable web link, would you please post it? Lisa
  4. I'm new to the forum and didn't know Bo or about his marbles but am saddened to read about what happened. Please accept my condolences.
  5. I too luvz te lols. Everyone in my office is addicted to ICANHAZCHEESEBURGER. We are all obviously cat lovers also :^O
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