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Everything posted by Itchibelli

  1. I'll be seeing you on Wednesday. Hope you have that big bowl of candy again. I waited until Friday to come last year & about died when I seen some of the mibs picked up the previous 2 days. Decided I wasn't going to let that happen again. Missed a lot of mib education also. Everyone was so willing to share their knowledge the two days I was there. Coulda learned a lot more with 2 extra days. You do a great job there, Rich. Can't wait to get there in 3 days!!!!!!! I need a CAC that will blind a man if he stares at it too long. Mike
  2. Duffy, Got 'em today. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Mike
  3. Steve, I have Paypal'd you the funds. Please check your personal emails. (The mibs are some experimentals that Dave was playing around with at Jabo. I don't know the specific date but Duffy could probably enlighten you more). Mike
  4. Duffy, Yes. I have been looking for these for years. Would you sell any? Mike Please reply to my email address: [email protected]
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