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About davebrauhn

  • Birthday 11/12/1946

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  • Location
    robins, iowa
  • Interests
    Marble KIng marbles

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  1. Thanks for the info!! that helps ...... I'll check my library of marble books for the AMMM. I know it's impossible to catalogue every MK marble. However, Marble Alan made a good effort to show all the MK classics he was aware of. Per your input,.......... it seems like there is a group of 1949- 1965 classics that have distinct colors and sharp lines . IE: spiderman, watermelon, dragonfly, green hornet, girl scout , cub scout, tiger, hercules ,.... and a few more I can't remember. They seem the most illusive and get a higher price than all other MKs . Then there are the blended and hybreds of that era that apparently were rejects and now are also now part of a regular basic MK collection. some are quite beautiful and command a decent price .....and some are beautiful...... but are so plentiful, don't get a decent price. ........and then there are the experimental MKs that are like impossible to find. and then there are the Berry Pinks that are apparently not plentiful.... but are not expensive either..... go figure...... Anything after 1965 seems to be very common and are sold in groups of 10 and 20 for under $10. Many of those are very pretty marbles and make a great display. As I am old (65) I collect the old( 1949-1965) for the most part........... but have upon occasion bought a really sharp contemporary group of MKs I wonder if there are any records anywhere that would show us how mwny of the 1949-1965 marbles were made ? Sounds like a great disertation for a PhD student..." A comprehensive historical look at the evoution, production and collection of Marble King marbles". Thanks again for the info!! Does anyone know a MK marble plant worker from the 1949-1965 era that might have additional info??? Dave from Iowa
  2. I collect MKs exclusivly. Does anyone know of a publication or posted definitions that could help us identify from what decade ...1940, 1950, 1960 ....1990, 2000+ that a marble king was made? I read in Marble Alans website that a 1940-1950 MK had a patch, ribbon, ribbon, patch pattern and that later Mks had only patch , ribbon, patch. That was bery helpfulin identifying the first Mks but after that it is very difficult. colors help but it would be helpful to have a MK color map for the decades as well as aMK pattern map. I know that the early Mks had the oxblood sharp pattern on top /bottom...that is a help to identify. I had understood that "vintage" was up to 50 years old and "antique" was 50+ years. some sellers have called 1940-1950 Mks Vintage and some sellers have called 1990 MKs Vintage ...I don't think most know from what decade/ 1940-2012 they have. and ...why are MK patch, ribbon, ribbon,patch blue/green dragonflys so hard to find...the blends and hybreds seem pretty abundant. Any help on this.?...thanks, Dave from Iowa
  3. Wow , thats impressive . How does the process to repair word? Dave from Iowa
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