I am new to this forum, only having found it today. I am hoping someone here can help me with this. I have a large glass marble, in horrible shape. It is chipped and banged everywhere! However,according to my Grandmother and her sisters (all of whome died decades ago), this marble originally belonged to my Great Great Grandfather. If so, that would likely place its origin beyond the middle 1800's. According to my family, the many chips etc. occurred as my ancestor rolled it across a prarie cabin floor on long winter nights in Illinois (Edgar county). His last name was Davis, and would have been an immigrant from Wales. I would love to varify the age and place of manufacture of this's supposed to be one of the oldest things from my mothers side of the family, which i was entrusted with as a kid in the 1960's and have managed to hold-on to....
Anything anyone knows would be very thoroughy appreciated!!!
I'm including a couple of images, showing the two opposing ends where the colors come together. Sharpie is for size comparison.
Many many thanks in advance
Mark Hooten, Florida