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Everything posted by GetulaHunter

  1. The first one was labeled Vintage Slag when I bought it.
  2. Thank you guys I am labeling everything😜🤪🙃
  3. Thank you! Chad .....Only one I have ever seen like this is it normal?
  4. Thamnophis was my first love. They were the easiest to catch along with the most prolific that I would encounter. There are 8 Species of Thamnophis here in California with many species having multiple subspecies of which I have found them all except hamondii and not that hamondii is hard to find I have jus not spent much time in that area. Corresponding name is bellow each snake Thamnophis s. tetrataenia San Francisco Gartersnake Thamnophis elegans terrestris Coast Gartersnake Thamnophis atratus atratus Santa Cruz Gartersnake Thamnophis sirtalis fitch Valley Gartersnake s. fitchi s. fitchi Thamnophis couchii Sierra Gartersnake Thamnophis couchii Thamnophis gigas Giant Gartersnake
  5. So I am going to go about this a little different.... I am going to take better images and number them so not to confuse myself or you guys any longer sorry About the crappy post
  6. I found a few marbles while metal detecting... I can say now that I wish I would have never found them because now I am addicted!!!!
  7. Yes Kingsnakes for sure! I am not sure why it mixed the photos up. I posted them in order but then when it posted them to the website it messed them up....... So I will definitely take your advice and post a few at a time .....I don't know what I was thinking.... I got a little carried away.... Thank you very much for the advice!!
  8. IMG_8443 Marble by John Stephenson, on Flickr IMG_8469 Marble by John Stephenson, on Flickr IMG_8475 Marble by John Stephenson, on Flickr
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