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  1. Ha- Bob- I thought I found something rare:>)) - so guess they were out before. saw them in the Trader Jo flyer and went and got a couple. - candies are good too Di
  2. so sorry to hear this.. Bert introduced me to contemp marbles in the '80's - he always had such kind words for everyone and made it a point to see people at a show to talk with them. a void that will not be filled. my thoughts and prayers go to Rosalie and family. Di
  3. Great article and photos, thanks for posting. I remember the girl-- Grace Q.-- she came into my room and had such a knowledge of marbles and has quite a nice collection. was a pleasure to meet her and have a chat . be interesting to follow her collection through the years.. well, at least a few more while I am around:>) Di
  4. Hi it is a beautiful marble. the only George I could come up with would be Pavliscak. I bought a few red, white and blues rorm him a few years ago. hope this helps Diane
  5. that is it Steph, thanks for putting it on the board- my Facebook skills are not up to par:>))
  6. p.s. forgot to add this about the MARBLE WEEKEND Follow the link to the Marble Weekend's Facebook Event
  7. There is going to be a Marble Weekend at Wheaton Arts in Millville, NJ Sept 13 and 14th. Many of you may remember the years there were the show there. This is not a show put on by Wheaton but by Paul Katherman. I understand that there are several artists attending. Mark Matthew- Ro Purser- and others. I had seen Paul at a paperweight meeting in July and this is where it was mentioned and he stated these 2 were many of the artist attending. The time is Sat 10-5 and Sunday 10-3. There will be live demos outside the Events building. If you live nearby the area please take some time to visit and support the contemporary artists at this show. This is all the information that I know. It is on the calendar of Wheaton events but I thought it should have some publicity on this board. hope you can visit the show. Diane ( I am the one that used to set up my Patriotic Display at the Wheaton shows- I won't be doing any setting up this time- just visiting)
  8. Posted Today, 09:44 PM Hello I received a couple emails from the person in New Zealand about the A&E marble video ..He could not help. He tried to get some of the video off but was much to large to send to me and he did not have time to try anything on You tube as he was on the middle of moving- plus he has never done any videos on Youtube.. So guess we will have to wait until Morphy does something. I plan to go there Sat for an auctin and will find him and ask him when he might be able to get this video and put it on the chatboard for us all to see. Sorry could not help more Di
  9. Hello I received a couple emails from the person in New Zealand about the A&E marble video ..He could not help. He tried to get some of the video off but was much to large to send to me and he did not have time to try anything on You tube as he was on the middle of moving- plus he has never done any videos on Youtube.. So guess we will have to wait until Morphy does something. I plan to go there Sat for an auctin and will find him and ask him when he might be able to get this video and put it on the chatboard for us all to see. Sorry could not help more Di
  10. sorry did 2- didn't see it go to pg 2. can someone deletee the 2nd one? sorry thanks Di
  11. HI All I am also a paperweight collector and have a list of the Worldwide collector clubs. I just emailed a member in New Zealand/Australia Club and asked him to see if he can get the Oct 29th show on You tube. Will keep you posted on the results. Di
  12. HI All I am also a paperweight collector and have a list of Worldwide collector clubs. There is one in New Zealand/Australia. I just emailed him to see if he can help us out by getting the Oct 29th show on You tube. Will keep you posted on his reply Di.
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