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  1. Thanks guys! Kind of laughing at myself rite now because I called it Chistensen Agate. : p Now that I know what it is I can say it is nice for a malachite marble. I see some others with less pronounced rings, this one looks like it was designed.
  2. Forgot to mention it is heavy for it's size and it has a crevasse where it seems it was cut from the cane.
  3. My best guess was Chistensen Agate, I am probably wrong though. Although I am in Ohio and it would not surprise me. I'm 90% sure it is shooter size.
  4. It is like animals fighting over the last scrap of food at that site! http://www.shopgoodwill.com/auctions/Lot-of-Old-Vintage-Clay-Marbles-20166506.html
  5. The only one I was really interested in was the possible limeade oxblood but I guess that if you guys say that it looks mostly jabo than I feel better about not winning them. lol This was not Ebay, it was shopgoodwill.com, I frequently get good deals because they are not the best at listing things sometimes. I can see now what I was subconsciously denying, and that is these marbles look like they are in the style of older marbles but not genuine. I will admit I let my excitement get to me.
  6. btw these were the only pictures given, total fail on the part of the seller and they sold for $80.
  7. I was outbid by a sniper bidder, so sad right now. I wanted these.... please tell me they were not worth it anyway so I can feel better. Is that a limeade oxblood in there in the front just under the surface? I hate myself.
  8. I thought it might be a melon ball
  9. #2 is baby blue / white ribbon swirl with a black filament. I do not know if the filament is there on purpose or accident.
  10. I am also interested to know how much the fracturing affects value, they seem to fracture easily.
  11. This is what I could find https://www.etsy.com/listing/208642038/vintage-4364-inch-marble-king?ref=market
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