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About Mikie_T

  • Birthday 03/19/1956

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    Marbles, pocket knives, antique pocket watches, antique pistols, antique postcards, coins, etc, etc,

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  1. I am curious what everyone thinks about the peewee marbles. It seems there were smaller (peewee) marbles made in MOST materials....(i.e. glass, clay, crockery, etc) I have found SEVERAL peewees this summer while hunting in the creeks. I have a couple of peewee cat eyes, 1 Bennington peewee, SEVERAL clay peewees and one crockery peewee. That tells me they were made in most medias. SO.... What are your thoughts about peewees.... Did they intend for peewees to be used as game marbles? OR.... Were they just "cute" little marbles that were meant for collecting? Give your ideas or maybe even historic findings of the peewee's use. Have y'all got some pics of NICE PEEWEEs? Show 'em if ya' got 'em. Below... The marbles in the dish are all clay.... they show a big variation in sizes. The smallest is 5/16" dia. The 2 outside the dish are 3/8" dia.
  2. Those are some really nice Vacors you have there! 😀
  3. I hunt for marbles in a local creek that runs through an area where there was a large garbage dump at one time. It appears the dumping was 1930s - 1940s. This creek is full of broken glass and bottles.... and....occasionally a few marbles. 😀
  4. WOW... that is one sweet looking marble! AGAIN..... WOW!
  5. I have found many clay marbles, other marbles that are white and glassy looking and a few Benningtons in this creek. I was surprised at the age span of the marbles in this creek. Thanks everyone for your replies! 😀
  6. Thanks Linda Gail.... SO.... you think the first one I posted (by itself) is a Bennington? (I know the other 4 are Bennington's, I posted them for contrast) The surface does not look like a glaze. It looks like the blue lines are made into the surface.
  7. Hello all.... Here is one I found last week that is a mystery. I was leaning toward a Bennington but it's not a solid blue. China or Lined Crockery maybe? What do y'all think? This little guy is exactly 3/8" diameter. In the last pic it is sitting next to a 3/8" Pee Wee blue Bennington. Thanks everyone!
  8. WOW.... that is a NICE one!
  9. I think that is what threw me.... I have seen other colors but this is my first red. 😀
  10. WOW.... thanks!! I didn't know they made snakes with clear glass! And this base glass is REALLY clear! First one I have ever seen. 😀
  11. I found this Marble King today and was wondering if there is a name for this one. It looks exactly like this at both poles. I don't suppose it is a Wasp is it? Aren't they just red and black without the white? Thanks everyone! (Don't look at my nasty thumb!)
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