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Everything posted by GoofyCat

  1. i think i may have found out what it may be it may be a Champion Spider Web marble, although a poor made one.1st picture left hand side top of page. https://www.google.ca/search?espv=2&biw=1375&bih=672&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Champion+marble+co++Spider+Web+marble&oq=Champion+marble+co++Spider+Web+marble&gs_l=img.3...21507.24981.0.25488.
  2. the shade is very close maybe a little lighter and pinker on the outside and pink on the inside and i think the base glass is clear. size is around 7/10 in dont have a way of measuring it exact.
  3. Thank you, i thought it might be a hard one. its a keeper for sure.
  4. This one is a bit beat up but i like and like all my marble i'd like to know what they are.. thank you.
  5. these are all the same marble this one has a bubble in the middle ish area, very hard to photo correct, all pics are with a different light.
  6. yes it seems to be one of those. the colors are right thank you
  7. i have no clue even after looking around for days.. thank you.
  8. thank you i like it. so this one stays out of the fish tank too
  9. yep the marbles get rolled and bounced around among the rocks etc i have one really big marble 2" that i found at a yard sale a newer one for sure and i put it in the tank 2 years later it had lots of chips out of it and 1 real big chunk missing which i found among the substrate when i clean it compete. so if i like a marble it goes on display on my shelves with the rest of my collectable stuff ( tabacco tin hotwheels small bottles ring boxes etc. all the rest go in the tank. they look pretty in there. thank you for your time in iding these marbles
  10. ok still looks old to me.. but i like it anyways so it stays out of the fish tank
  11. ok thank you i like it anyways so it stays out of the fish tank
  12. no its not that out of round just a little flatter on the top and bottom thiccker in the middle. thank you
  13. another pic of the 2 nd oneit came out lighter
  14. one more pic of this one came out darker
  15. old or new ?? 1st one green transparent swirly 2nd one browny with blue patch
  16. this one isnt marble round almost thought.
  17. dont know whats old or new. but i like the base color of this one.
  18. I find it so hard to know old from new is this a banana thingy marble?
  19. way cool thank you very much. got a few more i will post later that i need to know about..
  20. Hi new collector here.. collecting what pleases my eye. but i still like to know what it is i have.. i like this one but no clue what it is. anyone have an idea.. thanks in advance..
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