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Everything posted by Shellkat

  1. blurry, but totally sums up the experience. Can you see it? For me this heart represents the intense spiritual connection I'm getting from these trinkets! : )
  2. I don't know. I have to admit this isn't the easiest site to navigate with my device. (Kindle fire) I did turn off the map feature, but it seems that eyeballs are looking at the pictures. For me, the other gallery pictures are commetable, as are mine. (New word there, Lol). Still, this group is great!
  3. This group is fantastic! Thanks for the warm welcome. Steph, I think if you click on the picture and scroll down, there is a place to post comments. I'm curious as to what we may have. Any groups you'd like to see, let me know, and when I get a decent camera running, I would love to share and be educated. I have many solids. A bunch of translucent, including Amber looking stuff, many peewees. Also some marble like looking solids. Bright shooters too. I've done nothing today but marble research and admiration. Haha. My husband will be impressed when he gets home from work!
  4. Yes, the far left one has yellow. They all seem the same and for some reason make me smile. "Blue egg yolk" : ) as for the other...it seems patchy, but almost like a Helmut, but the green forms an "s" and the Orange forms an "s" and there's a whit band on the other side. Christmas tree? I do have a decent camera with macro, but too lazy to hook it up. I will spare you all and not post more until I do! Haha : )
  5. I need a different camera. Thanks for the input!
  6. I'm trying to eradicate the blur.....These spidermans all seem different, although it may be hard to tell from my amateur photography.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. : ) I'll try and do better. I'm just overwhelmed and amazed. They are all so beautiful.
  8. Some ox bloods? A limeade and a lemonade?
  9. These, I think, are some of the older ones.
  10. Shellkat

    My collection

    From the album: My Obsession

  11. Shellkat


    From the album: My Obsession

  12. Shellkat

    Old cats eyes

    From the album: My Obsession

  13. Shellkat


    From the album: My Obsession

  14. Hi everyone, My husband and I just acquired his grandfather's (born around 1890) collection that he remembers as a child in their summer camp.His mom (born 1918) would point out the ones she thought were valuable and loved them as well.I swear it has been a spiritual experience sorting them all out, as I never met his mother. We have no idea what we have, but there are certainly some very old ones there. (Camp was sold 60/ 70s and camp contents stored away until recently) I'd post pictures but I can't figure out to make my photos smaller. I'm anxious to learn more and this site has been helpful. Thanks!
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