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  1. Hi all. I'm normally just an observer of everyone's lovely mibs on this forum, but I wanted share this wild find. I went to a large outdoor flea market last weekend - no marbles to be seen. Then I stopped at a small antique shop on the way home. I perused a few jars of mibs sitting on the counter but found nothing of interest. I was prepared to leave empty-handed when the owner noticed me looking at the jars. He asked, "Are you a collector?" I nodded and watched as he headed for a cabinet behind the counter and out came a small wooden box. He said he used to collect Popeyes. I was prepared to see only Akros (which he did have and some beauties to boot) when I spotted these two minty Pelts! Got 'em for $10 a piece and came home pretty dang happy. (Side note: I've been trying to decipher if the John Deere has ox or if it is just the green ribbon diving and appearing darker. Has anyone ever seen or heard of a Deere with ox?)
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