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  1. I have these 3 marbles that I need some help with. I have a pretty good idea on a couple, but the third I have no clue. Verification of my thoughts on the other two would make me feel better as well. Thanks!
  2. The ribbon seems to be trhoughout the marble. One final attempt at some pics and I'm giving up.
  3. Here are some more looks at the blue marble...
  4. dhrnrcpa

    Final 2

    Last two! Thanks again.
  5. Again, thanks for all help!
  6. dhrnrcpa

    ID Jelp

    Can anyone clue me in on these 3 marbles? I've tried to add multiple views.
  7. Need id help on these three
  8. Here are a couple of more shots of the marble on the right. Think I am going to have to do something with my lighting situation.
  9. Have these 3 marbles with which I need some help identifying.
  10. I guess I could have added that I did not specifically buy these looking to turn a profit, they were in a box with some Elvis records that I bought. Just hated to leave money on the table if any of them have any value.
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