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  1. Thanks hrjane for putting the pics in for me!!! And thanks for the info on pics, lol, like I said, it's been awhile since I've posted here. Anyhow, back to watch the auction. Wish her luck!!! Melissa
  2. That's nice. I've got one that has a diameter of about 2 1/16th inches that I'm selling on Ebay tonight for my mom. Not sure if the core is Dk Orange or Brown on mine though. Hope it does well for her, it's one she's had since she was little. Although it is either dk orange or brown, it has one white strand in with the it, I thought that was interesting. Don't know if these will show up or not, but hopefully these are pics of the latt. Been awhile since I've posted on this board, so I hope I've done this right. Take care, Melissa http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/6/5/0/0/8.../64502390_o.jpg http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/6/5/0/0/8.../64502342_o.jpg http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/6/5/0/0/8.../64502375_o.jpg
  3. I love it when you all display pictures of your beautiful collections! It shows me what is out there, and helps me so much more with ID on what I have than any of my books can ever do! Sometimes all I can say is "WOW". Melissa
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