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  1. Can any one tell me a worth
  2. My bad your right I was replying to as another post
  3. Troy


    Here is some oion skin can any tell worth found in a box at tag sale
  4. Troy

    Oion skins

    Can any one tell me a worth
  5. I think ox blood marbles
  6. I have a nice German 4 stage oion skin marble yellow swirl with copper glitter swirl what is the worth will send pics later at work
  7. Have old glass marbles that look black and when you hold them up to a light the are purple burgundy red green blue with purple swirl and one is a black with white swirl on it and in the light it has swirly cord like a cats eye what kind of marbles are they
  8. Troy


    have old marbles that look black when you hold them to light they are purple/blue-green/purple and burgundy red what type are they...
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