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Glass Chef

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Everything posted by Glass Chef

  1. Sure is Al....and again, thanks for your donation ~ it will go toward the cure someday soon I trust.
  2. Dear Friends, I am asking for your help & support. It's a helpless feeling, watching someone you love battle Alzheimer's disease. This devastating disease is what contributed greatly to Pop's death in June 2006. I wish to help fight this terrible disease, but I can’t do it without the help of friends like you. Glass Chef Studio, Ltd. has decided to take action. I am participating in a very special event called the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk on Sunday, September 30, 2007. I will be walking for the more than 5 million Americans currently living with Alzheimer's disease and unless we find a way to change the course, 16 million Americans could have Alzheimer’s by 2050. I am walking because I can, and because I should. The Alzheimer's Association, the world leader in Alzheimer's research, care and support, is dedicated to finding prevention methods, treatments and an eventual cure for the disease. Funds raised at Memory Walk support research that is on the brink of promising new treatments to slow and prevent Alzheimer’s and improve the lives of individuals as well as loved ones that are living with the disease. I hope to be able to raise at least $1,000.00 to support the local Alzheimer's Association, which provides consultation, information and referral, and support programs to those affected by Alzheimer's. To donate, visit the Alzheimer's Associtaion link below. Any amount you can give would be appreciated. All major credit and debit cards are accepted, as well as PAYPAL and personal checks using (ACH) Automated Clearing House. On behalf of the millions of Americans who are living with Alzheimer’s, thank you for your friendship and in supporting my efforts. Here's the LINK: Alzheimer's Memory Walk for Pop Memory Walk is nationally presented by Genworth Financial. Sincerely, RJ
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