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  1. I have never thought of why it happens before. I have seen old window glass droopy almost melting looking
  2. Brock


    I ony have this big flashlight, not really great for this . Hopefully helps. Have to say looks cool lit up like that.
  3. Brock


    I have thought this was a rainbo as well. Possibly a 7up marble ?
  4. Brock

    Maybe Akro ?

    Right on, thanks. ...yes i've always found the history of the marble companies interesting. The depth of involvement one way or another between them all. I can't say i've heard that happen in any other business.
  5. I think possibly Akro. Regular sized. Thank you for any input.
  6. Awesome, thank you both. Much appreciated. Yes less can be more, oddly enough i have used that phrase a few times in the past few months on a work site.
  7. Greetings, and Happy Holidays. I am assuming this is a Peltier. Rainbo? I can't recall seeing a single band ribbon before. It's just a regular size mib. Thank you.
  8. Brock


    Yes it is a quirky corky. Not sure if Akro did the mauve/purple ?? Heaton ,i will look into. Cheers
  9. Brock


    Hello, Or is it a swirl mimicking a cork? Nice purple, 1/2" Hopefully the pics are ok and caputure the corkiness. Thanks
  10. Brock

    I.D Help

    Right on, thanks guys. Yes i suspected there was not much to go by on this 1. It will join its fellow compatriots in the pretty jar.
  11. Brock

    I.D Help

    Hello, any thoughts on this one. Just a bit over 3/4, hopefully the pics are o.k. Thanks
  12. IMO, No idea how many. Assume hundreds of millions, so there will be loads of them to be identified. They are beautiful but have added a level of confusion beyond vacor,asian. From my lurking view it effects all new collectors and sometimes seasoned collectors. Good or bad ? Depends on what you want out of a marble collection.
  13. Yout nuts. reminds me of walter white " say my name " Still looks odd to me this marble. Must have been a mistake
  14. I think it may be newer. Not sure 100% . Tad under 3/4". Thanks
  15. Hah. I guess that happens. Also, On ebay some sales get cancelled but still appear as the sold price. It can be a tatic by some to raise prices
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