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Everything posted by Edward

  1. The first lot Mixed colours bananas The second white peltier cats eyes The third Green cats eyes
  2. i have never seen such a tiny marble...German as it has a pontil on on end
  3. Truly grateful...thanks...so all i have posted are of Vacor and will go back to their catologue.thanks again
  4. oh wow..thanks for that. I must say not that striking but ok !
  5. the isze being 19mm...and thank you for looking
  6. This is a very large...never found these before...but i really like them even as a display item I would have to say Holland ? 42nn aprrox just under 2inches Many thanks
  7. Have no idea....just cant seem to get a grip on these varients....is this one german or from Holland Thanks again
  8. I think somewhere i had read that these marbles, with large interior bubbles....are from Holland? Many thanks
  9. All my marbles listed here are 18mm..... where could this one be attributed to Many thanks for your time in looking
  10. By know i should know where these were produced. Are they patches from Peltier ?
  11. Any ideas for this one...clear with a brown look with yellow ribbon and white flash
  12. Clear glass with a white swirl as well as yellow....is this a Vacor marble?
  13. Looks black but really dark blue with a light blue flash ? thanks for looking
  14. Once again no idea? did a google but found nothing similar thanks
  15. Just loved this from the oily look sheen....machine made ? any ideas from where...i did purchase a number that i am listing from a lady who knew the owner of a toy shop now closed down. I bought these but she has many more of various types....small to 40cm ...1.78 inch Thanks agin
  16. i have crossed checked this with online examples of bubble bee....but this looks other tham...any ideas please Many thanks
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