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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. πŸ˜… they almost fell into the hole when i made this happen Well...enough fun for today Hope you all like this marble abuse πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚ 20210614_190014.mp4 20210614_190014.mp4
  2. Slow mo πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰πŸ‘be like water Enjoy πŸ™Œ 20210614_190243_001_002.mp4
  3. Found a cat with a big chunk ovenbrick🧐
  4. Thank you Chad πŸ‘Œ Ovenbrick πŸ‘
  5. Catseye i guess but how they make it like this ? Facenating how the catseye goes into "dancing" almost alive strings
  6. This one has 2 seams Nice 2 color light and dark blue base glass ID on this one , and what could be the stuff Floating in the glass , dirt ?
  7. Everybody wants to be like Pelt Had me fooled almost but the green is an intruder yes ?
  8. This is where i get a little confused ID in these plz if possible One with Akro patch ?
  9. Thanks Fire πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
  10. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² finest πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž
  11. Three ones i love taken out in the sun Enjoying a beer and making pictures of my baby's
  12. Nice nice nice πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
  13. Some americans for indentification Do these have a specific name or just corksrew ?
  14. Nice Master Marbles in the sun They travelled more then 5027 miles to the Netherlands.... I salut the man who made that possible
  15. Mojo

    All Vitro?

    Thnx Ron I will tell the tale here if i speak about marbles and their maker
  16. Mojo

    ID PLZ

    2nd one could be a Master ? 1st very colorful , no idea on the maker
  17. ID on these ? Found them also in my garage Tooo many i have , but these caught my eye because of the lime green
  18. Havent seen Ric the past week Hope he is allright Maybe he is out there on a vacation and celebrating his retirement Neverteless i hope he is allright , healthy and safe Hope he will be logging in in the days to come , a package is lost in space and requierd some action to pinpoint its location and set it back on track
  19. Veel sterkte met de operatie Gina Wordt snel beter en we zullen wachten op jou en samen veel knikkers indentificeren
  20. Mojo

    2 for ID

    Maybe i found another german transculant? The yellow and white , other one is vacor i think or something else ??, the green and yellow
  21. Out of the blue this one came into my hands Could it be a Peltier ?
  22. Anyone can help me out ID on these please
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