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Everything posted by pimping4charity

  1. Hello there, first post here.....I'm wondering where I might find jumbo size clear marbles, preferably without bubbles....for a optics science project. I'm looking for multiple 10+. I had found: https://www.moonmarble.com/p-2109-ice-clear-jumbos.aspx But these have a lot of large bubbles in them. And: https://www.glass-sphere.com/en/eshop/kulicky-pro-technicke-a-dekoracni-ucely-10-mm-40-mm.html (not sure if a reputable source or not). Are there any scienc-y places I might be able to find this particular size? I'd prefer not to use eBay or Amazon if possible as well....would love to know if there are any others other than the ones I have found ? Cheers
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