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Everything posted by vmabuck

  1. vmabuck


    I got this and the seller said he thought it is a Vitro.
  2. This person had a full case of the boxes, he said he got it at an auction. All the boxes looked like pretty the same marbles for the most part. The group of marbles with the German handmade was a separate buy.
  3. I got a couple coolish things today. Not sure what they mean. The two new marble boxes were kind of cool. I emptied the ripped box out to see what was in it. Not sure, seems old though. They both seem to have basically the same marbles in them. The other box will remain untouched. It’s in decent shape. Any idea who put this box of marbles out?
  4. I dig the contrast of this one.
  5. Is there any way to age these? I just read up on Master. I am assuming this would the 41-73 era…
  6. Another one I have no idea where to even start.
  7. vmabuck


    It sounded like you meant you wanted to see the front one, I think? Here it is, but if you were talking about the second one I’ll get pics of that.
  8. I don’t know if any of these are great scores but it was my first buy. Not sure if I paid too much or not. It’s been fun finally trying to learn about these. I have always been interested. so I guess it was a cool score for me! a fair amount of UV marbles in there as well. I never knew…
  9. .88 inch. Is this considered a Cats Eye?
  10. This marble game is crazy hard LoL. I looked through that seam post and was changing my mind to Vitro. At least that red color was present in the example pics. what year would you guess?
  11. vmabuck


    Maybe these two are Heaton though?
  12. vmabuck


    Trying to figure out this nice looking swirl?
  13. Thanks! I think some of these are Vitro as well. I watched a video on cats eye stuff and these all looked to be Vitro or Vitro'ish. I know that horseshoe one for sure and a couple of those 6 band cages.
  14. Cool! This is what I like, and thank you! Now I can look at those names and try and ID them. I did look into the Peltier a little on the net and I think I might be able to ID those. I guess its all about the seam? The green and red one is the one I am digging the most. No reason, just dig it. I need to find my micrometer, but this is slightly larger than your average marble but definitely smaller than a shooter. I think I figured this one out. Peltier Flaming Dragon?
  15. I have passed up many jars of marbles at flea markets and antique stores. I always liked them but was focused on other things. I finally bought a couple large jars of them recently though. They looked better than most large jars I have seen recently. But, I really don't know. So here are a few that I have been picking out. I have a lot to go through. Also as far as photos go I am assuming there is a guideline for better chance of ID. Here are a few of the ones I though looked better so far. Any help with ID would be much appreciated...
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