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Everything posted by jerrymarbles

  1. Here is my collection of the Alley Agate peewees -- I have one or more of each shown-- The one in the center has the gold striping glass on it and is one of the best I have seen of them. PS got the green and white one in Sisterville also.
  2. chris, put up next to a cub scout and see how much difference you have, I might have been in the run when they were changing over just a shade brighter blue, but def. not a cub scout and has all the right markings and the oxblood that makes it a real winner. I will try to post the original ones we found a few years back chris.
  3. Na chris just send it to me- you don't want it-- just kidding sure looks like one to me, I can't be 100 per cent sure of colors but if it is turquiose it is a good one. It has the oxblood stripe that about 80% of them had and the lines and the tinge of red in the yellow all looks 100% right. The first picture looks sort of blue but the other pic shows sort of turq. and I think It would all look turq If in hand. That is an oxblood stripe in the glass -- 50's marble. nice find.
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