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Everything posted by SherryFain

  1. I really am! Every time I reach into this massive bucket I seem to find something fun!
  2. Found these in the bunch. Do they all have different names? Or do I label them all Germans?
  3. Found a few more but some look almost green to me..
  4. Thank you! I'm so excited about this new bunch I just got! more to come. Thanks for your help
  5. ooo.. I think this is my first!
  6. ❤️ Thank you in advance for your help
  7. I’ve never seen one.. just wondering what you guys think?
  8. I’m really bad at measuring.. this is the only ruler I have.. 40mm?
  9. My first Sulphide!!! It’s huge and so clear!! 🤩 I have more goodies to show you!!!!
  10. My husband is on his way home right now with a boat load of marbles!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT I'VE GOT!! I'm so freaking excited!!!
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