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Everything posted by Guiltynotguilty81

  1. Pretty sure I got these two at same time…if it helps? I’ve always assumed they were same maker but you know what they say about assuming…
  2. Or champion? Or ? Ugh swirls are so hard 5/8
  3. 5/8, gorgeous! Anyone know what swirl family is she from? thank you
  4. As it turns out none of them were MKs…but wanted to focus on this one, I think someone said this was a pelt, I’ve never seen a pelt like this so wanted to dig in. Included the pic from original posting thanks again ❤️
  5. Added video without flash..thanks. IMG_7454.mov
  6. Hard to tell it’s grey in most pics, did my best
  7. Had the first 3 in my mk collection but thinking the red/yellow is a vitro now? And pretty sure last one is pelt (burnt or woody?)
  8. The last one I am not sure about, I saw someone list a very similar marble somewhere and call it a purple pelt dragon which pretty sure it’s not that (if such thing even exists)
  9. Hard to capture its uniqueness in a photo, I don’t know jabos very well but can’t place it with any other brand. Thoughts? Just over 5/8
  10. Sweet thank you! I have a ton of swirls I’ve collected because they are stunning but I know nothing about swirls. Is there a good resource here or elsewhere for identifying Ravenswood Alley champion Etc?
  11. Well it’s definitely dark blue not black, one of my favorite pelts
  12. Lol…it’s me not you. It’s bigger than 5/8 but less than 3/4”
  13. I am leaning towards vitro due to the milky/yellowish solid base Approx 19/32 sorry pics aren’t great
  14. I am leaning towards vitro due to the milky/yellowish solid base Approx 19/32
  15. Peltier? Panda? Skunk? I’ve always called it blue panda with the “miller” swirl design. Thoughts?
  16. As long as it’s not a sane one! 🤪 🤘thank you
  17. Ugh I’m considering selling so I can afford Xmas presents. I already have my green fizz and Superman listed . Thank you for the response. Sorry you had to sell yours, although comforting to know I’m not the only one. Another thing I do love about marbles tho…if you take care of them, they can also take care of you ❤️🥰
  18. 5/8, with black aventurine. Yellow isn’t as bright as peltier usually is…
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